罗耀拉大学 新奥尔良 celebrates inauguration of President Xavier Cole

By 罗耀拉大学 on 2023年11月10日(星期五)- 18:03

He is the second layperson and first person of color to lead the university

罗耀拉大学 新奥尔良 is celebrating the inauguration of Xavier A. 科尔,艾德.D.他是联合国第18任主席. 

Dr. Cole is the second layperson and first person of color to lead Loyola since its founding in 1912. He took the helm of the university in June after serving as the vice president for student affairs at Marquette University following two decades in leadership roles at higher education institutions in Maryland and Wisconsin

他说:“我们知道. 科尔被雇来, based on his incredible achievements at Marquette and his ability to connect and inspire, he would make a tremendous and immediate impact on our students and our university,罗布·布朗说, chair of Loyola’s 校董会. “Since he began in the role over the summer, it has been thrilling to see him immerse himself in life on campus and 新奥尔良 and dive into the work of strengthening our university. This is an exciting time of growth for Loyola, and Dr. Cole will capably lead the way, guided by the Jesuit mission of educating the whole person and molding men and women for others.” 

Local leaders and colleagues in higher education joined students, alumni and members of Loyola’s faculty and staff at the inauguration ceremony Friday afternoon at the Holy Name of Jesus Church on the university’s campus. A Missioning Mass was celebrated Thursday afternoon, led by the Very Re. 托马斯P. 绿色,年代.J.省级上级. The celebrations culminated in an SGA-organized “Colechella” event on campus Thursday, followed by a reception and the 1912 Society inauguration dinner on Friday. 

“Dr. Cole is very attuned to what matters most to Loyola students,玛凯拉·霍金斯说, president of the Loyola's Student Government Association. “It’s exciting to finally formally celebrate his history-making leadership of our university and our partnership as we collaborate to ensure student success and satisfaction.”

“The entire Loyola and the 新奥尔良 communities have welcomed me since I arrived,” Dr. 科尔说,. “It is with a great sense of gratitude, humility and joy that I accept the responsibility of leading this vibrant university in this energetic city. It’s an exciting time to be part of the Wolf Pack as we embark on a new chapter and take a bold step into the future together.”

Dr. Cole is committed to strengthening Loyola by seeking mission-aligned partnerships, improving the school’s financial health and stability and investing in the people who work and learn at the university. 

“It is my duty to ensure that we continue to foster our connections to each other and remain committed to serving the wider community,” Dr. 科尔说,. “These values are the bedrock of our success. I envision Loyola as an anchor institution deeply rooted in 新奥尔良 and contributing to the future of our city, 国家与民族. The transformative power of a Jesuit education is a force for good that extends far beyond our campus, and I am dedicated to amplifying its impact.”

Photos of the event are available here.

Video clips are available here.